

Research is the engine that drives progress in almost every aspect of life, from the individual to the societal level. It is a critical tool for understanding the world, solving problems and shaping the future. Research pushes the boundaries of what is known, discovering new facts, theories and principles. It helps to answer unanswered questions, clarify uncertainties and fill gaps in knowledge. Research solves existing problems by developing new technologies, processes or approaches. Research is the foundation of innovation. It leads to developing new products, services and technologies that can improve quality of life, drive economic growth and enhance productivity. Research cultivates critical thinking and analytical skills. It is an integral part of higher education, helping students and scholars to develop a deeper understanding of their subject matter. In the humanities and social sciences, research helps to understand human behaviour, culture and society. It contributes to social progress by challenging outdated beliefs and fostering a more informed and tolerant society.

Research provides the data and analysis needed to create effective policies. For example, in public health, environmental protection and education, research informs policy decisions that impact millions of lives. Governments, organisations and individuals use research findings to make decisions based on evidence rather than assumptions. This leads to more effective policies, strategies and actions. Research drives economic growth by fostering innovation, improving efficiency and leading to the creation of new industries. Countries with vital research and development capabilities tend to have more robust economies. For individuals, engaging in research develops skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving and communication. It also contributes to professional growth, opening up opportunities for career advancement and specialisation. Research is essential for maintaining and enhancing a country’s competitive edge globally. Nations that invest in research are better positioned to compete in the global market, especially in science and technology.